Thursday, April 26, 2018

The Thrill of a Rollback

At Cedar Point they like to push the limits on rides. It is their thing. If they can build it bigger, better, and faster they will do so. Well they have a roller coaster called Top Thrill Dragster that does just that. At one time, for two years, this coaster was the tallest and fastest roller coaster in the world. It has now been surpassed by two other coasters but it still is one of the best thrill coasters out there. (2nd in Height and 3rd in speed). If you want "thrill" then you got it with this coaster.   
In Awe of Top Thrill Dragster
More Thrills Than You Can Imagine...Correct

Built in 2003 Top Thrill Dragster defied the odds and broke the 400-foot-tall coaster barrier. At the time it was built, going that high on a roller coaster was unheard of. In fact, some people probably thought it was impossible. But, if there is a way to push the envelope then Cedar Point knows how to do it. They always go for the biggest and fastest rides so Top Thrill Dragster was built.

Race to the Sky
Top Thrill Dragster cost $25 million to build which at the time was a TON of money. Heck, it still IS a ton of money today by amusement park standards. The track is 2800 feet long and is mostly straight. There are no loops or funky elements like some of the modern-day coasters out there. There are only two twists on the ride and the rest is just straight track. The key feature of the ride is height and speed and that is all it needs. The ride only lasts 17 seconds from launch to brakes. The ride may only last 17 seconds but those 17 seconds are some of the most memorable seconds you will experience on any ride, at any amusement park, and at any time. 
Good Gracious

The ride itself has six 18-person trains that you sit in with high backed chairs, a seat belt, and a lap bar that pulls down on your legs. This can be a bit unnerving when you realize you are about to go 120 mph up a 420-foot tower with only a seat belt and lap bar across your legs. It only adds to the thrill. Yes, pun intended. As you enter the Top Thrill Dragster station the 1996 song "Ready to Go" by Republica is playing to remind you about what fun is to come.  
See restraints and Kids reactions

The ride experience is unlike any other that you will experience at any amusement park. As you leave the station you slowly inch forward towards the launch spot. On your left you see a prop with lights and a sign that says “keep arms down, head back, and hold on.” You will also here a rumbling motor noise and the same phrase, “keep arms down, head back, and hold on” as you sit in the launch position. The most terrifying part of the ride happens at this point as you just sit there knowing you are about to be launched 120 mph in just 3.8 seconds! Yup, you read that right. If the launch itself doesn’t scare you to death then the 420-foot-tall tower will.
Launch Track on Right

It will only take about 10-20 seconds sitting in the launch spot before you hear a clanking noise under the train as the train prepares for launch. The clanking noise is the catch mechanism that holds the car on the track and is nothing to be alarmed about, although I’m sure you will be. Then you will feel the train roll back very slightly on the track and at this point know you are seconds away from going 120 mph on a roller coaster. The lights on the left-hand side will illuminate as the people scattered about on the right-hand side will look at you in amazement as you blast off towards your race to the sky.
Higher Than The Moon

The launch itself is extremely fast. When I ride I usually get butterflies in my stomach and the feeling is like none other than I have ever experienced on any other coaster. It really pushes your body to the limit as you hit 50, 75, 100, and 120 miles per hour in about 1, 2, 3, and 4 seconds. It is so fast that you really don’t even have time to think about what is happening except that you know you are going ridiculously fast. Oh, and there is a lot of wind. If you are real brave you can try and throw your hands up in the air as they are blasted with fierce 100 mph winds. Yes I have done this and it is crazy!

I love the emoji signs. Nicely done. 

Even the Trees can't Hide Top Thrill Dragster

Then, as you push forward at 120 mph, you hit the upward section of track that takes you and turns you 90 degrees to the right preparing you to reach the 420-foot-tall summit of the ride. Once you are at the top you get just a few seconds to look to the right where you see the back side of Cedar Point and Lake Erie. Or you can look to the left and see the front half of Cedar Point, Lake Erie, and the Causeway. If you look towards the front you look over top of the 310-foot-tall Millennium Force, Sandusky Bay, and the city of Sandusky off in the distance. It is a spectacular view from the top that sadly only lasts maybe 2 seconds then you plummet and twist down the 420-foot vertical 90 degree drop. Yes, it is insane.

As you drop the 420 feet down you hit a 270-degree turned piece of track that straightens you out in preparation for the brake run at the end. You reach speeds of 120 mph again as you reach the bottom of the descent and then cross the finish line sign as you hit the brakes. Once you take a moment to gather yourself you really start to realize how brave you were for being able to ride a ride like Top Thrill Dragster. Usually your heart is beating fast, your adrenalin is pumping, and you are on the biggest high you will ever get from riding a ride. I’m serious. It is quite the experience. 

It is often funny, as you stand in the queue of the line, watching people and their reactions as they hit the break run. The looks on their faces of sheer joy and or excitement is second to none. You can really capture some neat moments while waiting for the ride. This also builds some great anticipation. You may here a few expletives as people sit on the track but that is just all a part of the wild experience of Top Thrill Dragster. One of the best sayings I've heard is when the Top Thrill train came to a stop and someone exclaimed loudly, “I can’t feel my hands!”. Well then, the ride has done its job.   
Hair Check, Yup, Still There
Arms Down, Arms Down, Arms Down
So now that I have thoroughly described to you the awesomeness of Top Thrill Dragster let me share my “rollback” experience on the ride. I have ridden Top Thrill Dragster probably over 50 times total in all my trips to Cedar Point. I have never experienced the rareness known as a rollback. That was until Coastermania! extra ride time in June of 2017.
Man it goes on Forever

What is rollback you ask? A rollback is essentially what it sounds like. You get to the launch position, get launched 120 mph in about 4 seconds like normal except once you reach about 415 feet up the tower you fail to crest the 420 hill and roll back down the 420-foot tower backwards. Yup, you read that right. You get to drop down the 400-foot-tall track backwards going about 120 mph!
Into The Clouds

As I said before, rollbacks are a rare occurrence and if you get one you can think of yourself as lucky or unlucky if you are scared out of your mind. There is really no reason to be scared though because the ride was designed so that if a rollback happened it would safely stop on the other side. Nothing to worry or be alarmed about. Most coaster enthusiasts wish and pray for just one rollback to happen. It is like a badge of honor so to speak. I honestly never thought I would ever get one. Seriously, it is almost like winning the lottery, or bowling a 300 game, or hitting a game winning shot in a basketball game. Rollbacks are unique experiences and very rarely happen.
I'm Ready to Go Fast

I was the 5th train of our extra ride time session during Coastermania! when our train rolled out to the launch position. I sat there, as I usually do, with butterflies in my stomach as I anticipated the 120 mph launch. The launch came and something just felt a little off as we started to crest the tower (like the train wasn’t going as fast as it should be). As we approached around 415 feet you can hear people on the train start to yell, “ROLLBACK! WE ARE GOING TO ROLLBACK!” Then the train starts to roll backwards back down the 400-foot-tall tower as we free fall at 100+ mph.
Thank-You for the Rollback!

I was in complete and utter awe. I could not believe that a rollback had actually happened to me. A rollback! I had finally gotten, what I heard so much about all those years, a rollback! As we hit the brakes backwards on the launch side of the ride people on the train were screaming and clapping in jubilation because of the rollback experience. I got a high-five from the guy sitting in front of me. People on the right hand side of the ride watching were also cheering for us with smiles on their faces to see people from Coastermania! get a rollback. It was an amazing experience and probably one of the top coaster experiences that I have ever had.

I will never forget it. It will be etched in my mind forever. A great moment that I never thought I would experience on a coaster. My first rollback on Top Thrill Dragster.
Me and the Woman in Front of Me LOL

Tallest Ride at Cedar Point

Sunday, May 7, 2017

2016 Year In Review

Well, now that it is May and the prime amusement park season is right around the corner I think it would be a good time to recap my awesome coaster season in 2016. It was the busiest coaster year/season I have ever had. I am thankful I had the opportunity to embark on many adventures at amusement parks in 2016. I continue to be grateful for the ability I have to go to these fun and amazing places.
Where is Everyone?

My first trip of the year was to Cedar Point Wednesday – Friday May 18 – 20th. I got to spend three full days at my most favorite place and had a skip the line pass (Fastlane) for two of them so I was able to get in a ton of rides. Then I attended the Coasterstock event at Kings Island on Saturday and Sunday May 21 – 22nd. Always a fun event and I got to ride a lot as well as take in some cool behind the scenes tours.
The Best Amusement Park Ever

One of the Best Amusement Parks Ever

Next trip came closer to home at Alabama Splash Adventure and the Rip Roarin’ Rampage event on Saturday, May 28th. I hung out with Doug on this trip and rode Rampage 25 total times. This park has come a long way under its new owners and I believe it will continue to improve over the coming seasons.
My Home Park

The big family trip of the year came when we all went to Cedar Point Wednesday – Friday June 1st to June 3rd. It was a great trip and I was happy to have the whole family at my favorite amusement park. It was a joy to watch Bri ride her first 48” height roller coasters. I also attended the Coastermania event while we were there. It was the best Coastermania trip I have ever attended. The Jet Express boat cruise was one of the coolest things I have ever done at Cedar Point.
Fun Family Trip

This was a Cool Experience

The heat of the summer included trips to Kentucky Kingdom for the Storm the Kingdom event on Friday June 24th. Then a side trip almost 800 miles out of the way to Michigan’s Adventure the next day. Shivering Timbers cracked my top 10 coasters so it was worth it.
This Park is Great

This Park isn't as Great but does have Shivering Timbers

We spent the Fourth of July at Six Flags over Georgia with Bri and her cousins. I made a solo trip to Carowinds to ride Fury 325 forty-eight times. While on our family beach trip we stopped at the not-so amusement park Race City. They did have a roller coaster that we rode as well as a midway with a few small carnival rides. Then we finished the summer with a family trip to Alabama Splash Adventure.
Our Group had a Blast

Family Time

To close out the year Bri took me to Lake Winnepasukah for my birthday. It was a nice family owned amusement park that I am glad to finally get to attend. We had a great day there. Our last stop was Fun Spot in Orlando on our way down to Miami for our cruise. Fun Spot offered us a great five hours and we had lots to do in the time we were there.
We had a Great time at this Nice Park

This Place was Fun

2016 Stats 

Amusement Park Trips: 10
Amusement Parks Attended: 10
Miles Driven: 5826
States Visited: 10
Pure Michigan

New (to me) Amusement Parks: 4 (Michigan’s Adventure, Race City, Lake Winnepasukah, and Fun Spot Orlando)
Michigan's Adventure

Race City

Lake Winnie

Fun Spot Orlando

Days Spent in Amusement Parks: 17
Best Amusement Park Attended: Cedar Point
America's Roller Coast

Most Improved Amusement Park: Kentucky Kingdom
The Kingdom

Next Best Improved Amusement Park: Alabama Splash Adventure
Nice Entrance

Worst Amusement Park that can hardly be called an Amusement Park: Race City in Panama City Beach
This is pretty much it

Best Amusement Park Trip: Cedar Point/Kings Island (5 Days)
I Love Millennium Force

Coaster Enthusiast Events: 4 (Coasterstock, Rip Roaring Rampage, Coastermania, and Storm the Kingdom)
These Events were all Awesome

Roller Coasters Ridden: 59
New Coaster Credit

New (to me) Coasters Ridden: 18
Three Coasters in this Shot

Cannon Ball

White Lightning & Freedom Flyer


Brand New 2016 Coasters Ridden: 2 (Valravn and Storm Chaser)

Storm Chaser

Coaster Count: 179 to 197
Best Coaster Ridden: Fury 325 @ Carowinds
I mean this ride is Amazing

Next Best Coaster Ridden: Storm Chaser @ Kentucky Kingdom
This ride was Fun

Third Best Coaster Ridden: Shivering Timbers @ Cedar Point
This ride Blew Me Away

Coaster I Already Knew Was Awesome: Fury 325
Yup, still Awesome

Most Coaster Rides in a Row: 43 on Fury 325
Me after 40+ Rides

Most Coaster Rides on one Coaster: 48 on Fury 325
Love some Fury 325

Next Most Coaster Rides on one Coaster: 30 on Millennium Force 
Millennium Force is Still at the Top

Best Surprise Coaster: Shivering Timbers @ Michigan’s Adventure
This ride was Huge

Next Best Surprise Coaster: White Lightning @ Fun Spot Orlando
This Coaster Packs a Punch

Best Coaster at Night: Beast, Millennium Force, and Fury 325
Da Beast


Those Colors Rule

On Ride Photos: 6
Derk and I enjoy Valravn...

...and Banshee...

...and The Beast

My 30th ride on Millennium Force

Doug and I enjoyed Shivering Timbers

That's my Girl!

Best Park Food: Kentucky Kingdom
Some Good Ole Fashioned BBQ

Great Ribs and other Good Stuff

Best Meal: Philly Cheesesteak and Fries @ Carowinds
Yes, it was worth the insane $20!

Best Snack: Pretzel @ Kings Island
This is always worth the $5

Best Dessert: Blue Ice Cream @ Kings Island
And this stuff is Priceless

Next Best Dessert: Funnel Cake @ Lake Winnie
Best Food Outside of Parks: Wendy's (my go-to after parks usually)
Best Hotel: Hotel Breakers
Super Nice Lakefront Suite

Next Best Hotel: Residence Inn in Chattanooga
Impressed with Residence Inn

Friendliest Park: Lake Winnepasukah
The Aynes Family Loves Coasters

Best Overall Park Experience: Cedar Point
Living it Up at Cedar Point

Next Best Overall Park Experience: Kentucky Kingdom
What a Coaster, What a Park!

Biggest Thrills: Cedar Point
Top Thrill Dragster is Tall

Next Biggest Thrills: Kings Island
Banshee is Foggy

Worst Coaster: T3 @ Kentucky Kingdom
Melt it to the Ground


Best Cedar Point Coastermania! event yet
I DO Love Roller Coasters

 Finally getting to ride Shivering Timbers
It was a Fantastic Wooden Coaster

 Going back to Kentucky Kingdom for an enthusiast event
I'm Loving this Moment...

 Getting to meet Kentucky Kingdom owner Ed Hart
...and this one!

 Family Trip to Cedar Point
Happy to be here with my Family

 Watching Bri ride big Roller Coasters
Bri Loved these Big Coasters

 Staying in a suite at Hotel Breakers
Soaking it all In

 Another Great Coasterstock Event at Kings Island
Love Kings Island

Taking my first ever behind the scenes Beast Tour
The Beast disappears into the Woods

 Bri taking me to Lake Winnepasukah for my birthday
Thank-you Bri

 Getting to go to Fun Spot Orlando on our way to our cruise in Miami
Bri Loves Coasters

Spur of the moment trip to Carowinds to ride Fury 325 forty-eight times
I see Fury 325!

Taking Bri and her cousins to Six Flags over Georgia on a non-busy Fourth of July in the park
Making Memories

 Five-Day trip to both Cedar Point and Kings Island
Perfect Shot

Hello There

Two days of Fast Lane at Cedar Point
When you have Fastlane you skip these lines

I am a sucker for sunsets so I took a few pictures during the year. Here are some of my favorites. I am just going to let these sunsets do the talking on these pictures.

More Favorite Pics: