Friday, October 24, 2014

Silver Dollar City Encore

As promised here is a report from my second day at Silver Dollar City. Much like the first day I arrived at the park around 9:30 am. As I was getting out of the car I noticed a bunch of school busses in the parking lot behind me. I knew that today was going to be much busier than the day before. I saw Derk pull in right after I got out of the car and he yelled over and said, “look at all those busses, today is going to be much busier than yesterday.” Yup, my thoughts exactly.
I Love this Sign
Great Fall Decorations
As we entered the park the smell of freshly baked bread wafted through the air so we decided to take a look inside the bakery. Everything on the shelves looked insanely good. It was cool to see that everything is made fresh right there in front of you. It is at this point as I am typing this I regret that I didn’t buy anything from here. I had a small breakfast but didn’t want to overdo it since I knew I would be getting in a ton of rides today.
Made Fresh Daily
Oh my goodness!
We walked around the front of the park and watched a few of the craftsmen make their items. One guy was hacking away at a huge log with an ax (pictured below). I also loved how rustic some of these people look with full on beards, flannel shirts, and overalls. We managed to sample some sort of syrup that they were making from scratch. It was quite good. Then we made our way through all of the crafts to the candy shop. Oh the candy shop! What homemade treat didn’t they have in there? We were able to sample some freshly made peanut brittle and it was delicious.
Just chopping a log

Fear the Beard!
Homemade SDC candy
It was about time for the park to open so we waited by the ropes and when they dropped headed for what ride? Outlaw Run of course. We were able to get in three rides in a row before the crowds amped up. They amped up so much in fact that they had to put an extra train on Outlaw Run. After speaking with a few of the staff they said that 42 busses showed up to the park that they didn’t know were coming. I know right, pretty crazy. When they noticed the extra crowds they decided to add extra trains to the coasters. Again, impressive move Silver Dollar City. While they added the extra train we made our way over to Powder Keg, then Fire in the Hole, and then back to back rides on Wildfire.
Still a wonderful view
Yup there's a ride back there somewhere
Wildfire from a distance
It was now time to pick up some lunch so we decided on Crossroads Pizza. I probably waited longer for the pizza than any other ride in the park for both days. The place was packed. The pizza was good and again we found a nice shaded spot outside to eat. After lunch we decided to ride Outlaw Run again because riding over 20 times is never enough. We rode it a couple of times and got in a groove. What I mean by ‘grove’ is we were feeling good and enjoying ourselves so we felt we could do a little marathon on the coaster. They had two trains going still so the line was basically nonexistent and we ended up riding it 11 times in a row.
Cool looking building

Ok so I ate a little
Outlaw Run Theming = One of my favorite pics
After Outlaw Run we went and rode Powder Keg three more times. At some point Derk and I split up so he could go to a show. I walked around the park some and grabbed a strawberry smoothie drink which was delicious. I then found my way back over to Outlaw Run. I mean seriously people this is one awesome roller coaster! I proceeded to ride it ten more times in a row. If you have lost count that would be 24 total times ridden in one day. That would be a personal best for me. If it hadn’t of been for my desire to ride Powder Keg a few more times before the park closed I would have ridden Outlaw Run more. But I left and finished the day with three more rides on Powder Keg.
This was good!
This guy loves roller coasters especially Outlaw Run...
...and Powder Keg!
What more can I say? I had a blast. The weather was gorgeous both days with mostly sunny skies and temperatures in the low 80’s. Silver Dollar City is probably the most charming park I have ever been to. There were so many things that I didn’t even get to do mostly because I love to ride roller coasters and that took up most of my time. They have so many other things to do from shows, arts and crafts demonstrations, and even Marvel Cave (which I didn’t even get a chance to tour). Yes they have a huge cave right inside the park and included with park admission!
Awww, see the cute old couple?


More Charm!

Silver Dollar City almost didn’t seem like amusement park. It felt as though you were just out in the beautiful countryside and the rides and attractions just blended into the natural surroundings (see below). It was a pretty amazing thing to witness. I don’t think I have been in a park with as much shade as Silver Dollar City. There were trees EVERYWHERE. The theming inside the park was remarkable. Even the queue lines were themed with lanterns, barrels, ropes, and other western style offerings. In my opinion Silver Dollar City is only second to Disney parks theming wise.
Is this a ride, or a barn?

Theming! I mean seriously!

More Theming!
Also, the park staff were so nice and genuine. Most of the staff were on the older side so it felt as though Grandma and Grandpa were running the rides. I liked this. You could tell that most of the park staff enjoyed their jobs and took them seriously. I met and talked with so many of the staff at the park. It’s so great to see a park associate friendly engage in conversation with guests. It felt as though I could shoot the breeze with any of their employees about anything. If you asked them specific questions about the park they would answer you honestly. I had one instance where I had to wait for a manager to retrieve an on ride photo for me. He apologized for the wait and said that the photo was “on us.” I was floored. Never before have I ever had an amusement park do this. You win Silver Dollar City, you win.
Grandma & Grandpa running Outlaw Run!

Santa has become a lumberjack
Well hello there fella
In closing let me just say if you or your family ever want a place to visit then Silver Dollar City is worth looking into. They have plenty to do even if you aren’t into riding rides and roller coasters and I can guarantee you will have a great time. Trust me, you will love Silver Dollar City. Now let's just sit back and admire the beauty that is Silver Dollar City:
Look at all those trees!

Pretty old-style building everywhere


Shade is everywhere...

...see, everywhere!

Unbelievable theming everywhere! 
Below are my stats for day two as well as my two day totals:
24x Outlaw Run
7x Powder Keg
2x Wildfire
1x Fire in the Hole
= 34 total rides ridden

Two day totals:

40x Outlaw Run (yup, I love this coaster)
12x Powder Keg
5x Wildfire
2x Fire in the Hole
2x Thundernation
2x The GIANT Barn Swing
1x The Great Exposition Coaster
1x Electro Spin
1x Magnificent Wave Carousel
1x Flooded Mine

= 67 total rides ridden

Why visit Silver Dollar City:

Beautiful, clean, and well-themed park
Great rides, food, and staff members
Great roller coasters; Outlaw Run, Powder Keg, Wildfire, TNT
Unique and charming
So much to do without even riding rides
General public seems very nice and easy going
Park staff so friendly and easy to talk to
Thank-you Silver Dollar City


Friday, October 17, 2014

Silver Dollar City

I know it has been far too long since my last blog post. It is time to remedy that with a detailed post regarding my recent visit to Silver Dollar City outside Branson, Missouri. I have to start out by saying that this amusement park is a real gem. I have been to 28 different parks and Silver Dollar City is now in my top five. It is that good and I am about to take you on a detailed blog journey of my trip to explain why I think it is that good. I will warn you in advance though that this will probably be a lengthy post due to the fact I loved the park, had a great time, and spent over 16 hours there over two days.
Nicely Decorated

Silver Dollar City has always been an amusement park on my 'must visit' list. I had heard incredible things about the park from the enthusiast groups that I am involved with. As luck would have it I found time to visit the park at an opportune time in the middle of the week in September. Word to the wise, if you can visit an amusement park, other than a Disney park, in the middle of week outside of the summer months do it! You will usually find that it is not crowded as most schools are in session and you will get to ride many rides with little to no wait.
I see you Wildfire & Powder Keg

I visited the park on Wednesday, September 24th and Thursday, September 25th. When I looked at the park calendar online I saw that the park was open in the middle of the week in September I knew instantly that it would be the perfect time to visit. In fact if I ever go back I would try to go at the same time. I bought a two-day ticket for the price of $68 which I thought was a really good deal. At the time of my visit the park was having the National Harvest Cowboy Festival.
National Harvest Cowboy Festival

After buying the tickets I pulled up to the parking lot around 9:30 am. The view of Silver Dollar City was limited from the parking lot due to all of the trees surrounding the park. I did however see one of the roller coasters soaring above the trees which was a cool sight (see picture above). The first positive of the day was that Silver Dollar City offers free parking. It is a little far away from the park but they have very efficient shuttles that take you to the front entrance quickly. Also, while you ride you get some pretty funny banter from the tram guides. As the tram pulled up to the entrance of the park there was a lady all dressed up in a country dress and carrying an umbrella. She had a smile on her face and made sure to wave and say hello to everyone as they got off of the tram. I knew at this point that this park was going to be something special.
Welcome to Silver Dollar City Folks!

I was just in awe of the entrance! There were fall decorations everywhere you looked with pumpkins, scarecrows, sunflowers, and other great festive fall offerings. As I entered the park I was met with smiling employees and sayings of "glad you are here" and "I hope you have a good time today." I could smell the early morning breakfast that the park serves its visitors every morning. I had to peek inside the eatery and what I saw looked unbelievable. They had cinnamon rolls the size of your head! They had ham and cheese biscuits, bacon and egg biscuits, and other incredible looking pastries. If I hadn't of already eaten a nice sized breakfast at my hotel I would have definitely eaten there. In fact as I am writing this I am regretting that I didn't eat there.

More Fall Decorations

Oh my goodness!

I continued on into the park and was blown away by the fall decorations, buildings, staff members, and pathways. I made my way to the main midway area where a lot of people had set up their craft booths for the National Harvest Cowboy Festival that was going on. It was neat to see all of the vendors set up, giving demonstrations, and selling their stuff to park guests.
Craft Booth

Another Arts & Craft Booth

Craftsmen Demonstrations

I noticed that all of the park employees were dressed in old timey clothing with flannel shirts and jackets. One guy was dressed with a purple coat and wearing a top hat handing out ribbons for current military and former military members. They had a guy with a microphone welcoming all park guests and getting everyone excited for the opening ceremony. He was also square dancing with another park employee. They also had a very tall guy (over 6’ 6”) dressed in a full sheriff outfit. As part of the opening ceremony, they asked if there were any current or former military members in the crowd and handed out ribbons for them to pin on their shirts. They also allowed them to help raise the flag for the start of the park day. I thought this was a nice touch. Again, Silver Dollar City, you impress me.
Why hello purple coat top hat guy

Ain't this fun ya'll?

Yeah I wasn't going to mess with this guy

So, there are times when I go on my amusement park visits by myself and this was one of those times. Honestly I don’t mind it at all. I know some people would say that I am crazy and weird for going alone but it really doesn’t bother me. I just enjoy being in an amusement park whether with friends and family or by myself if it has to be that way. On this visit I was fortunate to meet a guy named Derk from Champaign Illinois. As I was waiting for the park to officially open I saw this guy standing by himself watching one of the craftsmen’s demonstrations. He was wearing a roller coaster shirt so I knew that he was either a coaster enthusiast or a regular at this park. I went up to him and asked him a question about the park. We talked a little and he asked me if I was by myself. He said he was also here by himself and if I wanted he would show me where to go inside the park. From this point forward we hung out together riding rides, eating meals, and talking to each other about our former park experiences. It was quite nice. It always seems that when I go to a park alone I end up meeting someone I can ride with or talk to. In this case I made a new friend which is always a plus.

Me and my new friend Derk!

Well it was time. The park had officially opened for the day and we made our way towards the back of the park where Outlaw Run is located. When we got there we found out that the ride was down (bummer). We hit up The GIANT Barn Swing ride which was fun. It is a good way to wake up in the morning that is for sure. Then we made our way up to the middle of the park to ride Wildfire. There was no wait so we rode it twice. It’s a great coaster that has over 3,000 feet of track, 155 foot drop, top speed of 66 mph, and five inversions. It was pretty intense and had one of the best looking views I’ve ever seen from a roller coaster. Also, the setting was one of the best I’ve ever seen (as seen below).
The first time I set eyes on Outlaw Run

Setting = Awesome

We made our way back towards Outlaw Run after hearing from a park employee that it was now running. I could feel the excitement building as we briskly walked towards the coaster. When we got to the ride there was no wait. When the next train came into the station we were on. I was finally able to ride a roller coaster that I had heard enthusiasts rave about. I was also able to ride my first Rocky Mountain Construction (RMC) coaster. Let me just say I could probably post an entire blog post just on this coaster and I may do that in the future. All you need to know right now is that Outlaw Run has secured the #2 ranking out of the 162 coasters I have ridden. I kid you not this coaster is the real deal! All of the hype I had heard is true and it is a remarkable ride.
I'm looking at you Outlaw Run!

Outlaw Run Station = Theming Awesome

Outlaw Run is classified as a wooden coaster but with steel topper track giving it a much smoother ride. There are three inversions that basically blow your mind giving you the thought, “did that just happen?” Yes it did. The air time on this thing is simply amazing. It’s everywhere, on every hill, and every turn. There is even SIDEWAYS air time. I know right? How is that even possible? Well it is and Outlaw Run has it. Then just when you think the ride is over you hit a double barrel roll right before you hit the breaks. What is a double barrel roll you ask? It is essentially two consecutive upside down sections of track. So, if you want a relentless ride that leaves you breathless when you get off then Outlaw Run is for you.
The end of the double barrel roll


After riding Outlaw Run four times in a row we decided to go and try out Powder Keg. It had been closed earlier in the day so I’m glad they were able to get it up and running. They were only running one train at this point so it was about a ten minute wait. I had heard good things about this ride but it exceeded even those expectations. It was literally a blast to ride! The coaster launches you from 0-53 mph in 2.8 seconds which actually feels faster. You then hit a hill with air time followed by a 110 foot drop down the ravine that the ride is built on! If you like terrain coasters then Silver Dollar City has them. Actually some of the best I have ever seen at any park I’ve been to. There are two more air time hills and then another drop into a ravine with a huge turnaround that showcases the coasters speed as it hits 64 mph. So. Much. Fun.
Cool Entrance to Powder Keg

Powder Keg Launch

Oh, you thought that was all of Powder Keg? Nope. You then hit a lift hill followed by a nice drop air time hill and turnaround back into the brakes. Phew! What a ride. I was really surprised at how exciting and fun this coaster was. It was smooth, fast, had lots of air time, and a really cool speed turnaround down a ravine. I liked the ride so much that I ranked it #20 on my coaster rankings. It was the second best coaster in the park in my opinion. Oh, and it even has fire!

It was around noon at this point so Derk and I decided we should grab some lunch. I already knew what I wanted and that was a skillet meal. I had heard about these meals before and they were said to be good which was indeed the truth. I got what was called the campfire skillet with sausage, chicken, green beans, carrots, potatoes, and peppers. It was delicious and for $10 it was a good deal. We ate our lunch in a seating area, shaded, and right next to a waterfall. Again, another reason why Silver Dollar City is awesome. Lots of shade and beautiful scenery.
This goes into...


Beautiful Scenery

After lunch we rode Fire in the Hole an indoor roller coaster with nice theming and minimal thrills. Then we made our way to Thundernation the parks mine ride roller coaster. I was also impressed with this ride. It gets my vote for best mine train/ride type coaster out there. I have ridden 7+ of these type rides and this one was the best. I enjoyed how it starts out on a downhill turn and just naturally picks up speed as you ride. Also, the setting is awesome taking you through a nicely wooded area and into a double helix (FUN). Then it drops you through a nice tunnel and into a lift hill. From there you hit a nice drop and speed back to the station. It’s a very fun ride and would be great for kids. Another solid coaster for Silver Dollar City. Unfortunately I didn't get a picture of Thundernation (I know shame on me) so I will leave you with more Silver Dollar City scenery. 
You pretty much see this everywhere at Silver Dollar City

Next up we tried to ride the train but for some reason it took them too long to begin the loading process so we left to ride other stuff. We walked over to The Flooded Mine an indoor family float-through attraction. They give you a gun (not real of course) that you shoot targets to collect points. It was a fun ride and a good break from coaster riding.
Don't mess with 'this guy'

Coolest Ride Op Outfit Ever

It was now time to explore the kid’s area of Silver Dollar City. I figured I would get the last coaster credit of the trip here as well. The Grand Exposition Coaster was so thrilling. In case you don’t believe me just see the picture below! We also rode the Electro Spin ride and let me tell you this thing was NUTS! It turned and spun in so many different ways, all while picking up speed, you really didn’t know what was coming next. It was the first time I had ever ridden this type of ride. Normally I am not into spinning rides but this one was pretty good. From here we went and rode the Magnificent Wave Carousel swing ride. It was a really nice kid’s area with a lot of different kid’s rides.
Yup, thrilling!


It was now time to ride some more Outlaw Run. There was next to no one in the station so we rode six times in a row. Well not in a row because Silver Dollar City makes you exit the train and walk all the way back around to ride again. Oh well there still wasn't a wait! We met a guy who was trying to set a record for most times ridden in a day in the front seat. We also found out that he holds the record for most Outlaw Run rides in one day at 61! He was over 40 front row rides by the time we left for the day. I know, crazy. Just wait till you see how many times I rode Outlaw Run on this trip.
One of the coolest coaster signs

At this point of the day I figured I would slow it down a little since I had pretty much ridden everything that I wanted to. We went and rode Wildfire again, as well as Thundernation, Powder Keg, the GIANT Barn Swing, six more rides on Outlaw Run, and closed out the day with back to back rides on Powder Keg. What can I say? The park was dead and the lines were nonexistent. I don’t think we waited more than ten minutes for any ride all day. This is exactly what I had in mind when I planned this trip.
No wait!

What a day at an amusement park! It’s one of the best days I’ve ever had at one. It is the little things I see that make an amusement park great and this park had it all. Silver Dollar City delivered on every level from theming, hospitality, great customer service, great rides, great park atmosphere, great food, and beautiful scenery. I could go on and on about how incredible this park was. I hope you have enjoyed my write up on this great place. Be on the lookout for my second day visit at the park.

Ride Totals:

16x Outlaw Run

5x Powder Keg
3x Wildfire
2x Thundernation
2x The GIANT Barn Swing
1x Fire in the Hole
1x The Great Exposition Coaster
1x Electro Spin
1x Magnificent Wave Carousel
1x Flooded Mine

= 33 total rides (not bad for an 8 hour day)