Saturday, April 4, 2015

Running With An Outlaw

In a previous blog post I mentioned that I could write an entire blog topic on Outlaw Run at Silver Dollar City so here it goes. Leading up to me actually riding Outlaw Run I had heard some great reviews of the coaster. Most of the coaster enthusiasts that have ridden it have said it is one of the best roller coasters out there. In the Mitch Hawker Poll (highly regarded enthusiast poll) Outlaw Run ranked as the #3 wooden coaster in the world. Yeah, you read that right, #3 roller coaster in the world. It did not disappoint.
Awesome Coaster Sign
Outlaw Run opened on March 15, 2013. The coaster was built by Rocky Mountain Construction or RMC as enthusiasts call them. So far there are only five RMC coasters built with three more planned for the next two years. They have introduced a new type of construction on roller coasters called the hybrid coaster. This type of coaster usually has a wood structure with a solid metal topper track on top of wood. This allows the coaster to run a lot smoother than your traditional wooden coaster. It will also allow for more intense moments and elements that the traditional wooden coaster doesn’t have like inversions and insane air time.
RMC Track credit

I see you Outlaw Run

Let me share some statistics of Outlaw Run.

Cost: 10 million
Length: 2,937 ft
Height: 107 ft
Drop: 162 ft
Inversions: 3
Speed: 68 mph
Duration: 1:27 (from exit station to brakes)
Max Vertical Angle: 81°
Elements: 153° Over-Banked Turn and Double Heartline Roll
(statistics taken from
This is what a Top Five coaster layout looks like
 As you approach Outlaw Run you notice that the theming in the area is top notch. Silver Dollar City pulled out all of the stops to theme and set the atmosphere for this ride. In fact it had one of the nicest Western themes I think I have ever seen on a roller coaster. They had a huge covered queue area with nice lantern lights. Inside the station they had some nice theming including old timey clocks, ropes, barrels and wagon wheel lights. They also had some unique signs as well. Outlaw Run is one of the best themed roller coasters I have ever seen.
Great Theming!

Lantern Lights!
Awesome Station!
It is time to ride. You have boarded the train and secured yourself a seat. Honestly any row is a good row on this ride. The front is probably the best simply because of the view. If you want a powerful and forceful ride take the back row. You buckle your seatbelt and wait for the attendant to tell you to pull down your lap bar which also includes a shin bar as well. To some this can be uncomfortable but it really isn’t that bad or noticeable. Then you leave the station.
I am ready to ride
As you climb the lift hill it becomes apparent that you are about to ride a special roller coaster. The lift hill is quite loud but in my opinion adds to the thrill and didn’t bother me. It is so loud in fact I saw one woman on my trip put her hands over her ears. The views from the top are amazing. You are only slightly over 100 feet up in the air but it feels like much more. If you look to the left you can see Powder Keg and Wildfire towering over the park. It is neat because you can really get a feel for just how many trees and wooded area cover Silver Dollar City. You look to the right and you can see just a part of what you are about to experience on Outlaw Run.
Great Lifthill
At the top of the lift hill there is a slight dip in the track just before the drop. It adds great suspense to the first drop. The view from the front seat of the first drop is breathtaking. The drop is 162 feet long at an 81 degree angle. The top of the lift hill is only 107 feet tall so the drop gives you a 55 foot elevation change down the hillside. It is incredibly awesome if you ask me. This is one of the best drops I have ever experienced on a roller coaster. You essentially get ejector air time on the first drop which is quite thrilling.
DROP! photo credit
After the drop you take a slight left hand banked curve and then up a nice sized hill into an inversion element that happens so quickly it’s almost as though you don’t realize you just went upside down. The stat sheet for the ride calls this an “outside banked turn.” It is a “turn” alright. In my previous blog post I described this as a, “did that just happen?” type of element because it happens so fast and smooth.
Outside Banked Turn photo credit
Once you clear the inversion you get pulled through with air time back down a nice drop and into another air time hill. They call this part of the ride the “double down.” Then you hit another air time hill followed by another hill that goes through the lift hill which is called the “double up.” Keep in mind as you hit these hills they are taken quickly and with extreme air time. This is not the type of “weeeeee” air time but more like “OMG HOLY COW THIS IS CRAZY” ejector air time. As you go through the lift hill you are taken almost sideways which is pretty incredible.

Just plain fun! photo credit

You have now reached a part of the ride I find the best. It is what the ride designers call the “wave turn.” I will just refer to it as an almost 90 degree portion of track, around 50 feet off the ground, which gives you sideways extreme air time! It is a really cool feeling. Then you hit a nice ejector air time hill that they call the “high speed low float” portion of the ride. From there you hit a slight hill and see the double barrel roll.
I see you Double Barrel Roll
 Ah, the double barrel roll. It will simply blow your mind if you experience it. It is essentially two upside down inversions put together. However you take both of these inversions at different speeds. The first one is taken at a quicker speed while the second one is taken much slower. It’s like in your mind you are thinking, “did I just go upside down (first part of the roll)” to, “yup I’m upside down (second part of the roll).” Then you hit the brakes.
Hey Look! I'm upside down!

What a ride! It is relentless from beginning to end. At this point it is amusing to just look at the other riders on the train to see their reactions to the ride. Most of them have a look of surprise on their faces. All of them are usually smiling, laughing, or clapping. After my first ride I knew that all the hype about this coaster was well deserved.
Best New Ride and Well Deserved
Glad there wasn't a real holdup!
I think I counted nine moments of air time on Outlaw Run with most of those moments being ejector or forceful air time. The ride itself isn’t really that long but it sure does pack a punch. It is only about 40 seconds of total ride time from the drop to the final brakes! It covers a lot of ground though which adds to the thrill. After my first few rides on Outlaw Run I felt it secured a #2 spot in my rankings and that is saying something since I have ridden 165 different roller coasters. I was able to ride it 40 total times in two days. If only I could ride it right now.
Love this ride!
Outlaw run did a number on my hairdo