Sunday, June 14, 2015

Force vs. Fury

It is time to pit two of the best roller coasters that I have ever ridden up against each other. Which one is better? You will have to keep reading to find out! I had the fortune of riding both of these coasters within a period of one month from one another. This was good because it has allowed me to be able to give a more accurate comparison between the two since the rides since they are fresh on my mind. If you would like a more detailed explanation of both coasters please refer to these two previous blog posts: Millennium Force My Favorite Roller Coaster, and The Furiosity of Fury 325! You will get a lot of great specifics in those posts.

The first time I rode Millennium Force was in 2007 and I instantly knew it was the best coaster that I had ever ridden. I mean there was really no debating it. At that point I only had around 50 or so coasters on my track record so that helped as well. When I rode Fury 325 it was the 166th coaster on my track record so needless to say I have greatly increased my coaster count with many great roller coasters in between. When I got off Fury I had a hard time deciding whether it was better than Millennium Force or not. I knew that it was clearly right up there with Millennium Force once I got off of it though. So which Coaster is better you ask? Keep reading and I will tell you.


What is the difference between the coasters? Let me lay it out for you here:

Millennium Force                    Fury 325

Make: Intamin                       B&M
Built: 2000                         2015
Type: Giga                          Giga
Height: 310 feet                    325 feet
Drop: 300 feet                      320 feet
Max Vertical Angle: 80 degrees      81 degrees
Top Speed: 93 mph                   95 mph
Track Length: 6,595                 6,602
Capacity: 1300 people per hour      1470 pph
Location: Next to Lake Erie         Middle of the Park

When Millennium Force was built in the year 2000 it was built to specifically be the first coaster to pass the 300 foot tall mark and beat world records. It did just that and then some. Fast forward to 15 years later and you get Fury 325 built just 15 feet higher and 7 feet longer than Millennium. I, for one, never thought the Cedar Fair Company would ever build a coaster to surpass Millennium as the tallest, longest, and fastest giga coaster in the world. I mean Millennium Force has been forever known as the world’s first giga coaster and standard on which all of the other three giga coasters have been built. To see Cedar Fair build one to surpass the original that set the standard was surprising.

What makes these two rides different? That is the million dollar question. They are made by two different companies and with that comes a different track and train design. Millennium Force track is slightly smaller than the B&M track. Millennium Force’s trains seat two across where Fury seats four across. Millennium Force’s train holds 36 people while Fury’s train holds 32. The drop, length, and speed on Fury are all bigger than Millennium however it really isn’t that noticeable. Both drops are incredible, as well as the speed, and ride duration.

The major difference between these two rides is the track layout. On Millennium you get four airtime hills including the first drop. On Fury you get six airtime hills with more airtime moments overall. You get three huge speed turnarounds on Millennium where you only get one on Fury. However Fury has two low to the ground high speed banked turns that are fun as well as a helix with head chopper effect. There are two tunnels on Millennium and one on Fury. The lift hill on Millennium is awesome because it gives you great views of lake Erie to the left and sweet views of all of Cedar Point to the right. Fury also has a nice lift hill without the lake and the layout of the ride interacts with the front entrance of the park with is pretty amazing.

Better Location: Force
Better Airtime: Fury
Better Night Ride: Force
Better Track Layout: Fury
Better Drop: Equal
Better Brake Run: Seriously?
Most Nostalgic: Force

So which roller coaster is better: Millennium Force or Fury 325? To be completely honest it is hard to decide this because they both offer incredible yet different rides. If I could rank them 1a and 1b I would. They are both up at the top as the best coasters I have ever had the privilege of riding. Seriously, if you enjoy a good roller coaster you should make an effort to ride either one. I promise you that you will not be disappointed. Really I can’t rank these coasters 1a and 1b? I have to decide?! If that is the case I will let my track record ranking do the talking.
Force Wins! 100.00 to 99.99