Sunday, January 31, 2016


Utopia is defined as a place of ideal perfection especially in
laws, government, and social conditions. Other words come to
mind: bliss, paradise, dreamworld, wonderland, and heaven. A
place of ideal perfection. There is such a place here on earth
that I would call my Utopia and that place is Cedar Point in
Sandusky, Ohio. Is there really a Utopia here on earth? No, but
for me Cedar Point is about as close as it gets.
My favorite place

I spent Thursday, June 4th thru Saturday June 6th, 2015 at the
Roller Coaster Capital of the World. It just so happened that the annual Coastermania event was also held during this time on Friday, June 5th. This was another reason for my trip. I wrote a blog post about Coastermania last year as well if you would like more details about what the event entails please read that post. For me it has become really hard to miss a Coastermania event. It is just too memorable to miss. I have now been to the event in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013, and 2015. I already have my sights on the event in 2016 as well.
Lots of enthusiasts

This trip can be best classified as my big trip this year as it
involves the best park out there; Cedar Point. It also involves
the longest time I spent at an Amusement park in 2015. When you
make a trip to Cedar Point it is best to spend as much time
there as possible. If you don’t go for at least two days then
you are doing it wrong, seriously. The most time I had ever
spent at Cedar Point following this year was two and a half
days. Well this year I decided since I already had a Cedar Fair
platinum season pass I would spend three full days at the park
and man was it an incredible experience.
Loving being at Cedar Point

For those of you reading this blog post, and I appreciate this,
you may be thinking what can you do in an amusement park for
three straight days? Hopefully I will answer that question for
you as you continue to read this. Over a year ago I wrote a
lengthy blog post about Cedar Point so if you want more details
about the park itself you can go back and read over that post.
As for this post I will try and go over just the highlights of
my three day trip.
Why 3 days at Cedar Point? Because of coasters like these!

Why would I spend three straight days at Cedar Point? For me this is a simple question. Cedar Point is by far and away my favorite amusement park so that makes the decision easy for me. Cedar Point also has 16 (soon to be 17) roller coasters so that doesn’t hurt either. The great thing about Cedar Point’s roller coasters is that they are all unique in some way. They are either record breakers and or designed specifically for this great park, in its stunning location. They are also among the best roller coasters I have ever ridden so that means riding them all multiple times is a must. However, if coasters aren’t your thing then you can focus on all of the other 70 attractions the park has to offer. Cedar Point has more total attractions than any other park in the world so it should be easy to find lots to do there. Then add the fact you have a beach like atmosphere on Lake Erie and you have a win win situation. 
Best skyline of any amusement park

Thursday, June 4th
Time in park – 9:00 am to 8:00 pm
Total Rides – 28
Total Coaster Rides – 18
Total Slides in Soak City waterpark - 11
Top Rides Ridden – 4x Rougarou, 3x Millennium Force, 3x Blue Streak,
Most Notable Ride of the Day – Front Row on Top Thrill Dragster
Special Notes – Started with 3 straight rides on Millennium
Force and ended the day with 3 straight rides on Blue Streak
Great way to start the day

Food – Lunch @ Midway Market (buffet and first time ever eating
I was hungry

here) and funnel cake (this was my snack before dinner), Thirsty
These never get old

Pony for pizza (restaurant outside Cedar Point)
Cool place

Accommodations – Breakers Express
Decent place to stay close to the park

Friday, June 5th – Coastermania!
Time in park – 7:00 am to 12:00 am (Saturday, June 6th)
Total Rides – 37
Total Coaster Rides – 31
Total Slides - 5
Total ERT Rides – 21
Special Notes – 14 ERT rides in the morning and 7 ERT at night
Top Rides Ridden – 9x Millennium Force, 5x Magnum XL200, 3x Gatekeeper, 3x Blue Streak, 3x Rougarou, 3x Raptor, 3x Wicked Twister, 2x Windseeker
Food – Cinnamon Pretzel, Lunch @ Lakeside Pavilion, Dinner @
Panda Express
My go to park food

Accommodations – Hotel Breakers
Ferris Wheel beds

Saturday, June 6th
Time in park – 9:00 am to 10:00 pm
Total Rides – 31 (great number for a Saturday)
Total Coaster Rides – 24
Special Notes – Sadly no Millennium Force today due to lines
This Ride alone is worth a Cedar Point visit

Top Rides Ridden – 5x Gemini, 4x Maverick, 3x Mean Streak, 3x Blue
Streak, 3x Wicked Twister, 2x Raptor, 2x Gatekeeper
Most Notable Ride – Top Thrill Dragster
120 mph + 420 feet = Spectacular
Food – Lunch @ Burger place, Dinner @ Panda Express

3-Day Totals and Results
Time in park – 41 hours (3 Full Days from open to close)
Total Rides – 96
Total Slides – 16
Average Rides per Day – 32
Average Rides an Hour – 2.5 to 3
Longest Wait Time – No more than 30 minutes
Top Rides Ridden – 12x Millennium Force, 9x Blue Streak, 7x Raptor,
Rougarou, Magnum XL200, Gemini, 6x Maverick, Gatekeeper, Wicked
Twister, 4x Windseeker, 3x Mean Streak, 2x Top Thrill Dragster,
Skyhawk, Pipe Scream, Lake Erie Eagles, Lake Erie Railroad
Roller Coasters Not Ridden – 4 Iron Dragon, Corkscrew,
Woodstock Express, and Wilderness Run
Draggin Iron...I mean Iron Dragon
Best Ride – Millennium Force
May the Force be with you

Next Best Rides – Maverick, Top Thrill Dragster, Gatekeeper,
Raptor, Wicked Twister, Magnum XL200, Rougarou, Gemini
Keeper of the Gate

Most Underrated Ride – Blue Streak
It is blue and it streaks across the track

Most Underwhelming Ride – Cedar Creek Mine Ride
Looks pretty but the ride is lame

Rides Ridden for the First Time – 12 - Pipe Scream, Windseeker,
Rougarou, Lake Erie Eagles, Troika, Monster, Super Himalaya,
Matterhorn, Cedar Downs, Dodgem, Wave Swinger, Tiki Twril
Rougarou...yes that is what they named it

Rides I wish I would have Ridden – Iron Dragon and Power Tower
The Tower of Power Tower

Best Food – Thirsty Pony Pizza (outside Cedar Point)
Great Pizza

Highlights from the three-day trip

Getting to stay at the newly renovated Hotel Breakers
Incredible Resort

Riding Top Thrill Dragster in the front row for the first time
ever (Please for the LOVE do this once in your life)
I am about to ride Top Thrill in the front row face

Getting 12 rides in on my favorite roller coaster Millennium Force
Never gets old

Getting to attend Coastermania again
One of the best events out there

Enjoying the Hotel Breakers awesome hot tub
This is paradise

Hanging out with my friend Derk
Derk is in there somewhere

Getting in 21 rides during ERT sessions at Coastermania
ERT = No Crowds!

Eating at Midway Market for the first time
Artsy Shot

Getting four straight rides in on Maverick Saturday morning
The West was never this wild

Getting to enjoy Soak City with no lines (I love waterparks with
no lines)

Hanging out at Thirsty Pony after a long day at Cedar Point
Cool hallway at Thirty Pony

Closing Thoughts
I have determined that after spending three days straight at
Cedar Point I could have easily spent longer there. I would love
to go for a whole week from Monday – Friday. I never waited
longer than 30 minutes for any ride. You just have to know where
to go in the park to find the shortest lines at the right times.
Were there lines longer than 30 minutes at times during my visit? Yes, especially on Saturday, but I always found other attractions with less lines to enjoy. 
Millennium Force line Friday afternoon = 20 minutes

I have also determined through my many previous visits to Cedar
Point that May and early June are the best times to visit this
park. The weather is not hot and the crowds are not bad. It
usually doesn’t get much higher than 80 degrees at Cedar Point
during this time. And humidity, like we know in the south, is
non-existent! The waterpark is also usually deserted, because of
the cooler temperatures, allowing you to ride all the water
rides with no lines.
Me and Maverick

I think I have said this before but I will say it again; Cedar
Point is a destination amusement park. It is for thrill seekers
what Walt Disney World is for families. You really do not even
have to be a thrill junkie to enjoy Cedar Point either. There is
so much to do there, even without ridding rides. I continue to
be amazed at how much fun it is going to Cedar Point. I have
visited the park in 2007, 2009 (twice), 2010, 2011, 2013, 2015,
and I still find new things to enjoy and new rides to ride. In
the 7 different visits and 16 days I have spent at Cedar Point I
continue to have a blast every time. Thank-you Cedar Point for
the memories.
I had the best day(s) ever at the Point

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Follow the Arrows

There was an amusement park I had been wanting to visit for years but never found the time to go. Well now that time had finally come. Kennywood is located in a suburb of Pittsburgh, PA called West Mifflin eight miles east of downtown. The area the park is located in can be best described as industrial with many factories across the Monongahela River. The park itself is tucked away on a piece of land where you honestly cannot believe there is enough space to even have an amusement park. In fact if you didn’t follow the yellow arrows, attached in certain spots, you really wouldn’t even know there was an amusement park in Pittsburgh.
I followed the arrow

An Arrow

Awesome Area

Kennywood initially opened in 1899 and later it was purchased in 1906 by F. W. Henninger and Andrew McSwigan. They would eventually go on to form the Kennywood Entertainment Company which owned and operated the park as a closely held family business for over 100 years. In 2007 Palace Entertainment, a company from California, purchased the park. Kennywood is one of only two amusement parks listed in the National Register of Historic Places. Needless to say it was this history and longevity of success that drew me to visit this park now. I made my visit to the park on Wednesday, June 3rd, 2015 on my way up to Cedar Point. Kennywood was designed to be a detour trip since it is relatively close to Cedar Point and when I say “relatively close” I mean three hours driving time (so not really relatively close by most people’s standards). However if it is a park that I have never visited I will take a “short” three hour drive if I can. Anyway, it was my best opportunity to finally go to Kennywood so I took it.
Entrance Plaza



Let me just say that driving through Pittsburgh was insane yet 
cool at the same time. I was driving on a two lane interstate (I376) as I approached the Fort Pitt Tunnel. Then all of a sudden after I came out of the tunnel there it was, downtown Pittsburgh. I wasn’t expecting to see the city so soon with only a two lane interstate in front of me. It was a beautiful sight for sure as seen in my picture below. At the same time however there were cars everywhere and I was doing my best to stay the course while not doing something stupid, like wrecking my car in the heavy Pittsburgh traffic.
What I saw exiting the Tunnel credit google maps

I followed the arrows, which hung above the streets, and finally made it to Kennywood. It was a marvelous sight to behold. My eyes instantly focused on one of the many reasons I wanted to come to Kennywood in the first place: Phantoms Revenge. I found my way to the free parking located a decent distance from the front entrance of the park. I bought my discounted single day admission from the Giant Eagle supermarket for only $31 an absolute steal for this park. It was now around noon and I was ready to enter Kennywood. For some reason I was not expecting what happened as I entered the park. I did not realize that after entering Kennywood you have to go through a tunnel, under the main road, to get to the actual park. 
Front of the Park Statement

I followed the Arrows

They even had an arrow ride

I could instantly see the old style charm as I made my way down the midway. I grabbed a map and tried to find out where I was going to go eat. I was extremely hungry so I did something I normally never do upon first entering an amusement park; I went and got food. Normally I would try and hit the park’s biggest attraction but hunger won out this time. I found a place to eat simply titled “Refreshments” (as seen in the movie Adventureland) and ordered a philly cheesesteak, fries, and drink. Kennywood has always been known as a park with great food and what I ordered proved that point. My meal was delicious and ranks as one of the best meals I have ever had at an amusement park. 
In the movie Adventureland

Yeah this was tasty!

So far this side trip was off to a good start. There I was standing inside an amusement park that I had never been to before, having just eaten great food, and ready to hit some new-to-me rides. What more could I ask for? I started with Jack Rabbit a wooden coaster built in 1920. Yeah that’s right a wooden coaster that is 95 years old! I am pretty sure it is the oldest roller coaster I have ever ridden. Luckily it didn’t ride like it was 95 years old but rode rather smoothly. Jack Rabbit is known for its famous “double dip” drop element and the only thing keeping you from flying out of the car is a small bar that sits across your lap (no seatbelts). It was a fun coaster with that one moment of crazy air time but really that was all it needed.
Main midway after tunnel

Cool sign


I had to walk all the way across the park to hit up the next attraction: Phantoms Revenge. Coaster enthusiasts have raved on this coaster ever since it was re-built in 2001 and it currently ranks as the #14 steel coaster in the world according to Amusement Today magazine. Originally built as a looping coaster (Steel Phantom) in 1991 Kennywood decided to increase the length, take the loops out, increase the drop, and add some wild air time hills. It is safe to say that all of this worked to make Phantoms Revenge a brilliant coaster.
I'm scared

Dominates the skyline

First Drop


Luckily for me the park wasn’t that crowded today so I was on Phantoms Revenge in about 15 minutes. Climbing to a height of 160 feet you get a nice initial drop. Then you climb another hill and take a 228 foot plunge into the steep ravine reaching speeds of 85 mph! The use of terrain here is incredible. You then swoop back around and hit a serious of air time hills that would make Michael ‘Air’ Jordan jealous. It is insane ejector airtime at every turn and I rank Phantoms Revenge at #16 out of the 179 coasters that I have ridden. 
Under first drop into second BIG drop

BIG DROP! Boomshakalaka!

Air time turns into hair time

Next up I rode a ride called The Whip that was built in 1918. The ride contains a circular car on a track with wheels that whips you around as it goes in circles. I then made my way over to Kennywood’s newest coaster Sky Rocket build in 2010. It is a fun ride with a 50 mph launch in 3 seconds over a 95 foot hill. It also has three nice inversions and a few moments of air time. Next up was the Racer a wooden coaster built in 1927. It was a fun coaster and pretty smooth for its age.




Bayern Curve was up next. This was a bobsled type flat ride that simply goes up and over a hill in a constant circular motion. Halfway through the ride a loud horn sounds (which is awesome) and the ride then goes faster. It was really fun and a ride I wish more amusement parks had. It would appear there are only four of these type rides left in the world. 
Old School

Am I in Asia?

Since it was close I stopped and grabbed another awesome ride on Phantoms Revenge then made my way over to Thunderbolt. Thunderbolt is a wooden coaster built in 1924 and can only be ridden if you have a partner. Since I was solo on this trip it made things a little awkward for me. The ride operator said she would find someone to ride with me but never did so I finally found someone myself. I was going to get on Thunderbolt even if I had to announce it across the station. I also asked the ride operator why such a rule was in place and she said, “Because if you were to ride in this coaster by yourself you would break your ribs” (this due to the forceful back and forth movement around the curves). Instantly in my mind I thought that that was a ridiculous answer. I still do not believe her but it is Kennywood’s rule so I followed it. It was a fun ride, and again not that rough for a coaster as old as it is. I will say that it does have some powerful lateral (back and forth) forces but I doubt anyone would break a rib while riding it solo. 
They said I needed a partner...

... for these curves


I went and rode Noah’s Ark next. It is one of the last versions of this ride left in the amusement industry so needless to say it is a very unique attraction. I honestly do not even know how to describe it. It is like a fun house essentially where you walk through in low light looking at animals and other strange things. There’s music, moving floors, mirrors, and stairs as you make your way through the attraction. It is currently ranked as the #1 walkthrough attraction by Amusement Today magazine. After I took a ride with Noah in the ark I heard Phantom calling my name again so I went over a got another ride.
I am ready for the flood

Yes, yes I am a screamer

I usually don't ride dead though

It was getting close to 6:00 o’clock and I was getting hungry again and I already knew what I was going to eat. Kennywood is known for their Potato Patch fries so that is what I got. I really enjoyed them even though I was sure I was clogging my arteries after downing them. They were a tad greasy but tasted fresh and they were topped off with cheese and bacon. Mmmmm, bacon. I wanted to snag one more ride on Jack Rabbit before I left but the line looked to be close to 30 minutes so I skipped and went to Sky Rocket instead. It was a good way to close out the day. 
Who's hungry?

Loop and hills

Unfortunately I had to leave the park shortly after 6:00pm (park was open until 10:00pm) because I was tired and still had over a three hour drive to Sandusky, OH (Cedar Point). My visit to Kennywood was one of a little regret. I only got to spend around six hours there which didn’t allow me to get to everything I wanted to. There are a ton of rides that I didn’t even get to ride but are great and have a lot of history. In total I got in 12 rides, adding five new coasters to my track record, but it could have been so much more. I am not complaining because I had at least finally had the opportunity to go to a park that had long been on my list to visit. Here are some neat rides that Kennywood offers (pictured below). 

Ok, I will apologize on behalf of Blogger because they made this section of the blog in crazy lettering and I had no way to change it. 


Black Widow doing its thing

Cool Carousel

Kennywood is a nice park. It has a certain charm that other parks, namely corporate parks like Six Flags and Cedar Fair, simply cannot match. They have a lot of retro rides that your grandparents and even great-grandparents used to ride growing up. They have three wooden coasters all of which were built in the 1920’s! That is absolutely incredible if you think about it. The fact that Kennywood has been able to keep all three of them working, pretty much like they are new, is a testament to the park for its dedication to keeping old historic rides operating. The food is great and the park atmosphere is fun. I hope I will get to spend more time at Kennywood in the future.
I had a blast!

Goodnight Kennywood

See ya Pittsburgh